
furniture / product design

In my home country, “The Scouts” is a popular youth movement that includes more than 80,000 children between the ages of 10-18. One of the main values in this movement is “scouting”- living in and with nature.

“Mahana’ut” is a method of using wood and ropes to build both simple and complex structures, this method is often used in various Scouts activities. One tree in particular that is used is the Eucalyptus tree, (in Hebrew we call them Senadot). The “Senadot” are usually thrown away after 2-3 years due to breaching, gnawing by termites or weakened by natural processes.

I decided to reuse Senadot as a raw material for wooden chairs. One of the biggest lessons I took away from the Scouts was that it is important to protect and renew the earth. I see great value in showing children how to give materials a “second life”, and reusing it for different purposes.

After being used over and over again, the Senadot gain a ”rough” look- they are filled with marks, colors, pins and nails. I wanted to emphasize this unique look by highlighting the contrast between the outside and inside appearance of the wood.

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